Series API

GET /series/list

List of available series

Example 1 request:

GET /series/list?api_key=key-XXXXXXXXXXXXX HTTP/1.1
Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Zend_Http_Client
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example 1 response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 07:45:13 GMT
Server: Apache
Access-control-allow-origin: *
Content-encoding: gzip
Vary: accept-encoding
X-cache: Miss from cloudfront
Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
X-amz-cf-pop: IAD12-P4
Alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=86400
X-amz-cf-id: sg_l0TGCmw-BKgihZeVyrCe2aKEOQ671frnJrNF0lfxbT3TNbdByJQ==

            "title":"136 AW Innovation Series",
            "description":"136 AW Innovation Series",
            "title":"Airforce Management Modules",
            "description":"Airforce Content and Site Management Modules",
            "title":"Armed Forces Boxing",
            "description":"The Pentagon Channel Sports takes you ringside.",
            "title":"Armed with Science",
            "description":"Armed with Science is a dedicated channel aimed at sparking the conversation about the science, innovation and technology that is shaping the future of the force every day. Content is engaging, and in tandem with the Armed With Science Blog, encourages open discussion about the technological contributions the Department of Defense provides to the world of science.",
            "description":"Historic films from WWII, Korea, Vietnam & other conflicts.",
            "title":"Boot Camp: Making a Sailor",
            "description":"Follow the story of four U.S. Navy recruits as they leave their hometowns and go through Navy Boot Camp at U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command.\r\n\r\nAll Hands Magazine and Recruit Training Command take you inside the Navy\u2019s only Boot Camp for an unfiltered look at what recruits endure in order to earn the title of U.S. Navy Sailor.",
            "title":"Bragging Rights",
            "description":"Looks at various military training exercises and competitions.",
            "title":"Close Combat",
            "description":"An 8-week series on military combatives training.",
            "title":"Command Performance",
            "description":"Go backstage with top entertainers.",
            "title":"Desert Vision",
            "description":"Features stories about Soldiers serving Third Army from Camp Arifjan in Kuwait. Produced by 20th Public Affairs Detachment - Kuwait.",
            "title":"DOD News Now",
            "description":"Episodes of the DOD News production: DOD News Now",
            "title":"DOD News: In Focus",
            "description":"Episodes of the DOD News production: DOD News: In Focus",
            "title":"Fit for Duty",
            "description":"High-energy, 30-minute workouts led by service members.",
            "description":"A survival guide for new service members.",
            "title":"In The Fight",
            "description":"A monthly half hour show that offers an incomparable and rare insight of life on the frontlines reported directly by U.S. military service members deployed around the globe.",
            "title":"MO Guard TV",
            "description":"\u201cMO Guard TV\u201d is a half-hour television program that showcases the efforts of Citizen-Soldiers, Airmen and Family members throughout the Show-Me State.",
            "description":"An in-depth look at operations, military events and history.",
            "title":"Soldier's Journal",
            "description":"Soldiers Journal is a monthly television news magazine that covers accurate and timely information about Soldier missions, training, operations and achievements of today's Army.",
            "title":"The 4orce Minute",
            "description":"The same great service show you know and love!  Created for the quick, need to know, lifestyle. Get in, get your info, get out.",
            "title":"The American Veteran",
            "description":"A video news magazine designed to inform veterans, their families and their communities about the services and benefits they have earned through their service to America.",
            "title":"The Grill Sergeants",
            "description":"A cooking show with top military chefs.",
            "title":"Through Their Eyes",
            "description":"A series that focuses on bringing the audience closer to unique Service members and Veterans who have achieved remarkable success. At the intersection of Service and Civilian life, Through Their Eyes highlights military service, past and present by showcasing the family and military experiences that became the foundation for their incredible achievement. You're not just seeing the story, you're living it, Through Their Eyes.",
            "title":"Tour of Duty",
            "description":"Tour of Duty is a program that highlights military installations and what opportunities are available for service members stationed there. Available in High Definition.",
            "title":"TPC News",
            "description":"From the Pentagon Channel NewsCenter \u2013 daily half-hour program featuring military news from top Defense officials and the Military Services from around the world.",

Query Parameters:

  • api_key: Public API access key issued by DVIDS (key-xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • id: [int] Limit which series are returned. Multiple ids can be be specified with the following syntax "&id[]=16&id[]=9". When supplied, subseries are returned in response
  • prettyprint: [1] Spaces out JSON response in more readable format useful for debugging
  • sortdir: One of asc, desc.

Status Codes:

  • 200: no error
  • 400: invalid parameter(s) specified. See errors element in response for details.
  • 403: api_key not provided, invalid, or accessed from origin (protocol+domain) other than the one associated with the key provided.

Response Fields:

  • id: Id of the series
  • title: Title of series
  • description: Description of series
  • subseries: [array] Returned if id param was passed. Contains id and title of subseries

Example 2 request:

GET /series/list?id[]=16&id[]=9&api_key=key-XXXXXXXXXXXXX HTTP/1.1
Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Zend_Http_Client
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example 2 response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-length: 976
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 07:45:13 GMT
Access-control-allow-origin: *
Server: Apache
X-cache: Miss from cloudfront
Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
X-amz-cf-pop: IAD12-P4
Alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=86400
X-amz-cf-id: zta8N2WdnrnlkjkzubPL6u2CVHRCmhAMQRoNuGQp77SbzLPAi1Plsw==

            "title":"In The Fight",
            "description":"A monthly half hour show that offers an incomparable and rare insight of life on the frontlines reported directly by U.S. military service members deployed around the globe.",
                    "title":"Subseries: 2007"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2008"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2009"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2010"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2011"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2012"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2013"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2014"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2015"
                    "title":"Subseries: 2016"
            "title":"The Grill Sergeants",
            "description":"A cooking show with top military chefs.",
                    "title":"Season: One"
                    "title":"Season: Two"
                    "title":"Season: Three"

GET /series/episodes/list

Get series' episodes

Example request:

GET /series/episodes/list?id=9&max_results=2&api_key=key-XXXXXXXXXXXXX HTTP/1.1
Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Zend_Http_Client
Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 07:45:13 GMT
Server: Apache
Access-control-allow-origin: *
Content-encoding: gzip
Vary: accept-encoding
X-cache: Miss from cloudfront
Via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
X-amz-cf-pop: IAD12-P4
Alt-svc: h3=":443"; ma=86400
X-amz-cf-id: CYur6MpswYUQINPuBSLPNYrgVoIDoPUkEAh1o9s1ApXXL1KQl50QJQ==

            "title":"The Grill Sergeants: Saving Private Dining",
            "keywords":"food, cooking, recipe, The Grill Sergeants",
            "short_description":"On the menu: Shrimp Scampi, Bananas Foster Cheesecake...",
            "series_title":"The Grill Sergeants",
            "subseries_title":"Season: One",
            "title":"The Grill Sergeants: Comfort Foods",
            "keywords":"food, cooking, recipe, The Grill Sergeants",
            "short_description":"On the menu: Corn Chowder, Grilled Cheese, Sweet Potato...",
            "series_title":"The Grill Sergeants",
            "subseries_title":"Season: One",

Query Parameters:

  • api_key: Public API access key issued by DVIDS (key-xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • id: [int] Series id to retrieve episodes for. Id or sub_id is required.
  • fields: Comma separated list of which fields to return
  • max_results: [1-50] Maximum number of results to return per page. Default and maximum value are both 50.
  • page: What page to load. Defaults to 1.
  • prettyprint: [1] Spaces out JSON response in more readable format useful for debugging
  • seriesless_title: [1] If set will try to remove the name of the series from the title
  • short_description_length: [1-300] Length of short_description reponse field
  • sort: One of episode, subseries_order.
  • sortdir: One of asc, desc.
  • sub_id: Subseries id to retrieve episodes for. Id or sub_id is required.
  • thumb_width: [1-2000] Width of thumbnail in pixels. If thumb_height is provided, this defaults to the aspect ratio native width of the asset relative to the height requested. Otherwise the resolution is 122x92. Max of 2000.
  • thumb_height: [1-2000] Height of thumbnail in pixels. If thumb_width is provided, this defaults to the aspect ratio native height of the asset relative to the width requested. Otherwise the resolution is 122x92. Max of 2000.
  • thumb_quality: [1-100] Quality of generated thumbnail. Default is 95

Status Codes:

  • 200: no error
  • 400: invalid parameter(s) specified. See errors element in response for details.
  • 403: api_key not provided, invalid, or accessed from origin (protocol+domain) other than the one associated with the key provided.

Response Fields:

  • branch: One of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Joint
  • category: Category of the asset
  • country: Country where media was captured
  • date: Date in ISO8601 format of when the asset was created
  • date_published: Date in ISO8601 format of when the asset was published at DVIDS
  • description: Description of the asset
  • id: Id of the asset
  • keywords: Comma separated list of keywords
  • rating: [float] Rating of the asset. Will not be returned if the asset has not been rated.
  • short_description: Shortened version of asset's description. Adjusted via short_description_length param.
  • thumbnail: Url to resized image of asset as specified by thumb_XXX params
  • timestamp: Date in ISO8601 format of when the asset was last updated
  • title: Title of the asset
  • unit_name: Full name of unit credited with media asset.
  • url: Url to asset on